Who is this test aimed at?
The CLOE (Oral and Written Language Skills) certificate is aimed at anyone working or wishing to work with the target language in a social and/or professional context in all sectors of activity (e.g. industry, tourism, tertiary, logistics, research, health, international trade, import/export, communication, etc.).
Pre-requisites : None
What is the CLOE certificate?
CLOE assesses and certifies general and professional skills from level A1 to level C2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFRL).
1st part: Written assessment
Duration: 30 minutes – online adaptive test
Written skills assessed:
- Command of most important grammatical structures required to formulate coherent sentences of varying complexity.
- Identification and use of everyday or professional vocabulary adapted to the context.
- Understanding of a short test and grasping the overall meaning and specific details.
- Identification and use of expressions from everyday or professional language.
2nd part: Oral assessment
Duration: 15 minutes
The candidate is received on an individual basis by a CLOE examiner, without any prior preparation.
The interview is split into 3 parts:
- Introductory questions
- Simulation (everyday situation, professional situation or specific experience)
- Conversation (general, professional or specific topics)
Oral skills assessed:
- Understanding of a statement, instructions or questions of an English-speaking conversation partner.
- Use of everyday or professional vocabulary adapted to the situation of the conversation.
- Command of most important grammatical structures required to formulate coherent sentences of varying complexity.
- Natural oral communication.
- Making oneself understood with clear pronunciation.
- Development of interaction and dialogue.
A proficiency and skills certificate is issued – valid for: 2 years Proficiency is assessed according to the scale of CEFRL: A1 to C2
€ 105